mdo Arnab Nandi
Music Player Application
Music Player App Completed

This is a simple music player app made by using Flutter framework. You can go to my repository to view the whole source code for this application. In this app I have also implemented Firebase as backend. The main feature of this application is, You can listen ad-free music.

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Personal Expense Application
Codeforces 2.0 Completed

It fetches all the relevant information of a codeforces user with just username in one-click. It will automatically fetches that questions which has already been solved with a great user-interface. It is also capable to list-down the upcoming contest. Questions can be sorted topic-wise. To view it's source code visit my repository.

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Contest Calender Application
Contest Calendar App Completed

This is my first project in which I have used API. So in this project I have implemented my knowledge about API to solve a real life problem. From onwards we don't need to check the websites to see which contest is going on. Just open the app and see the upcoming contests. Go to my repository to download the app & also have a look into the source code.

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MAKAUT YGPA Calculator
MAKAUT YGPA Calculator Completed

This is really small & fun project. I have designed a simple YGPA Calculator tool in which anyone can enter his/her marks details to see his/her YGPA. I have also put some validation in the input field. This is totally based upon HTML, CSS & JavaScript. You can check out this tool by clicking the following button.

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Code World - (Blog Website) Regularly Updating

It is an intersting project made with HUGO. Hugo is one of the most popular open-source static site generators. I have learned about this framework & decided to build a coding blog website by it. In this project I have also learned about Domain names, hosting & many more related to live a website to the internet. Blogs can be written simply in markdown format. HUGO autometically renders it into HTML.

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Portfolio Website
Portfolio Website Completed

I am fond of learning new frameworks & technologies in the market. So, I have also learned about Bootstrap framework. It's a really easy to learn framework to build some beautiful website with some great UI. I have made this website totally based upon Bootstrap. You are already going through this project. Click the following button to view the source code.

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